Vladimir Alexiev
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- Vladimir Alexiev
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Hi! You're right: a new item created manually doesn't have such parasitic text. Unfortunately I can't remember which item had this defect (probably imported by DOI). If I encounter a similar problem again, I'll write here.
Thanks! I confirm all above
It's interesting to see what happened on this topic in 15 years: * Science Graphs have taken off * the biggest open graph was Microsoft Academic, which is now inherited in OpenAlex * OpenCitations shares LOD on citations from CrossRef, PubMed etc * …
Now all is good. 292 items, and eg https://www.zotero.org/groups/3007408/semantic_bim/tags/country/library shows 31 items
After closing Zotero, I checked processes. I had a stale Zotero process at 2.9Gb private memory, 300Mb working set. Killed it forcefully, also restarted Chrome. Let's see
@adamsmith I haven't added images recently, but it's the first time I get an OOM error. Now I got "error has occurred, please restart Zotero" with similar OOM but also [JavaScript Error: "Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPE…
3 items are not synced (I see 292 locally, 289 on the web). I could send the last 3 items (\tmp\semanticBIM-last3.rdf) but don't see anything unusual about them.
The failure is due to this publication: Toward a System Building Agenda for Data Integration (and Data Science). https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rCFCb28AAAAJ&hl=en#d=gs_md_cita-d&u=/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en…
Yes, I mean on-field mode. Tried to move US Census to Publisher and enter the person to Author. Can't repro now. Some fluke...
After reinstallation it works. My zotero was auto-updated to 5.0.59. Thanks!
Yes: gives the error
Running both as admin fixes it. Running Zotero as admin but Word normal gives no error, but the functions don't work either. Running Zotero as normal gives the error. What a mess
same error in new blank doc
It works with Zotero Standalone 4.20